Tuesday 31 July 2012

AI November 2010 Set2

IV B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2010
( ECC )
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. Explain 8-Puzzle problem and 8-queens problems. [8+8]
2. What is a simulated annealing search? Explain with algorithm and example. [16]
3. Explain the local search for constraint satisfaction problem with an algorithm and
diagram. [16]
4. For a chess game, assume the average branching factor in 35 and the number of
moves made by each player to win or loss is 50 is exhausted search is possible?[16]
5. (a) Explain in detail a knowledge-based agent.
(b) Discuss on complexity of propositional inference. [8+8]
6. Consider the following sentences
i. Jack owns a dog
ii. Every dog owner is an animal lover
iii. No animal lover kills an animal
iv. Either Jack or curiosity killed the cat, who is named tuna
(a) Express the original sentences in first-order logic
(b) Convert each sentence to implicative normal form
(c) State whether curiosity killed the cat using resolution with refutation. [5+5+6]
7. (a) Explain planning with state space search
(b) Explain with example heuristic state space search. [8+8]
8. (a) Explain the major issues that affect the design of the learning element.
(b) Explain various forms of learning [8+8]

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