Tuesday, 31 July 2012

AI November 2010 Set4

IV B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2010
( ECC )
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) Write about problem formulation and goal formulation.
(b) Explain 8-queens problem. [8+8]
2. (a) Define a heuristic function and explain the linear combination with an exam-
(b) Explain the hill climbing, local maximum and plateau with diagram. [8+8]
3. (a) Explain difference between simple hill climbing and steepest ascent hill climb-
(b) Explain difference between best first search and steepest ascent hill climbing.
4. In a chess game assume the average branching factor is 35, and the number of
moves made by each player to win or failure is 50. Estimate size of game tree, with
diagram. What is your conclusion from above game? [16]
5. (a) What do you mean by monotonicity? Are propositional and first-order logic
(b) Is the sentence ”Either 2+2=4 and it is raining, or 2+2=4 and it is not raining”
making a claim about arithmetic, weather, or neither? Explain.
(c) Look at the following sentences and decide for each if it is valid, unsatisfiable,
or neither using equivalence rules.
i. ((smoke ^ heat) ! fire) , ((smoke
ii. (big V dumb) V (big ! dumb). [6+6+4]
6. Consider the following sentences:
• John likes all kinds of food
• Apples are food
• Chicken is food
• Anything anyone eats and isn’t killed by is food
• Bill eats peanuts and is still alive
• Sue eats everything Bill eats
(a) Translate these sentences into formulas in predicate logic
(b) Convert the formulas into clause form
(c) Use resolution to answer the question, ”What food does Sue. [6+4+6]
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Code No: M1924/R07 Set No. 4
7. (a) What are the limitations of the problem solving approach and what is the
motivation behind the design of planning systems
(b) What do you mean by state space search?
(c) What do you mean by regression planning? [6+6+4]
8. (a) Explain the major issues that affect the design of the learning element.
(b) Explain various forms of learning [8+8]

AI November 2010 Set3

IV B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2010
( ECC )
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. In the history of AI? Explain the following:
(a) Knowledge base systems are key to power
(b) AI becomes science. [16]
2. What is a greedy best first search? Explain with example and diagram. [16]
3. (a) “Hill climbing behaviour is a straight line but best-first search keeps tracks of
all lines”. Justify above statement with an example.
(b) Write about local maximum and global maximum in hill climbing. [12+4]
4. (a) Is exhaustive search for games such as chess is possible? Explain with your
own measures.
(b) Explain secondary research. [8+8]
5. (a) Describe a generic knowledge based agent.
(b) What are the problems with propositional logic?
(c) How can a knowledge-based agent be made fully autonomous. [6+6+4]
6. (a) Explain the backward chaining algorithm.
(b) Explain inference procedure using resolution with refutation.
(c) For each of the following pairs of atomic sentences, give the most general
unifier if it exists.
(a) f(x) and f(g(y))
(b) f(Marcus,g(x,y)) and f(x,g(Caeser,Marcus)) [8+4+4]
7. (a) Write on language of planning problems
(b) Explain classical planning problem. [8+8]
8. (a) Give the general model of learning agents
(b) Explain inductive learning. [8+8]

AI November 2010 Set2

IV B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2010
( ECC )
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. Explain 8-Puzzle problem and 8-queens problems. [8+8]
2. What is a simulated annealing search? Explain with algorithm and example. [16]
3. Explain the local search for constraint satisfaction problem with an algorithm and
diagram. [16]
4. For a chess game, assume the average branching factor in 35 and the number of
moves made by each player to win or loss is 50 is exhausted search is possible?[16]
5. (a) Explain in detail a knowledge-based agent.
(b) Discuss on complexity of propositional inference. [8+8]
6. Consider the following sentences
i. Jack owns a dog
ii. Every dog owner is an animal lover
iii. No animal lover kills an animal
iv. Either Jack or curiosity killed the cat, who is named tuna
(a) Express the original sentences in first-order logic
(b) Convert each sentence to implicative normal form
(c) State whether curiosity killed the cat using resolution with refutation. [5+5+6]
7. (a) Explain planning with state space search
(b) Explain with example heuristic state space search. [8+8]
8. (a) Explain the major issues that affect the design of the learning element.
(b) Explain various forms of learning [8+8]

AI November 2010 Set1

IV B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2010
( ECC )
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. What is 8-puzzle problem? By giving an example explain a stupid move in 8-puzzle
problem. [16]
2. Explain depth first search and breadth first with neat diagrams. [8+8]
3. Explain plateau, ridge, local maximum and global maximum with a suitable dia-
gram. [16]
4. In a chess game assume the average branching factor is 35, and the number of
moves made by each player to win or failure is 50. Estimate size of game tree, with
diagram. What is your conclusion from above game? [16]
5. (a) Give the outline of a knowledge-based agent program
(b) Give rules of inference for propositional logic
(c) Look at the following sentences and decide for each if it is valid, unsatisfiable,
or neither using equivalence rules.
i) (smoke ! fire) ! (¬smoke¬fire)
ii) (smoke ! fire) ! ((smoke ^ heat) ! fire)
6. (a) Comment on propositional Vs first-order inference
(b) How can resolution be used to show that a sentence is
i. valid
ii. unsatisfiable
For each of the following pairs of atomic sentences, give the most general uni-
fier if it exists
i. P(A,B,B), P(X,Y,Z)
ii. Q(Y, G(A,B)), Q(G(X,X),Y) [6+6+4]
7. Explain partial-order planning with example. [16]
8. (a) Explain learning with complex data
(b) Explain learning with hidden variables. [8+8]

AI November 2009 Set4

IV B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Computer Science & Engineering and Electronics &
Computer Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. What is an agent? Explain the vacuum cleaner world example? [16]
2. Define a heuristic function and explain how to compute heuristic function for a
chess game with an example. [16]
3. What are the various problem that occur during hill climbing? How to solve them.
4. Explain the following:
(a) Waiting for quiescence
(b) Secondary search. [8+8]
5. What is a Wumpus world? Explain with an example acting and reasoning in the
Wumpus world. [16]
6. Consider the following facts:
• Marcus was a man
• Marcus was a Pompeian
• Marcus was born in 40 A.D.
• All men are mortal
• All Pompeians died when volcano erupted in 79 A.D.
• No mortal lives longer than 150 years
• It is now 1991
• Alive means not dead
• If someone dies, then he is dead at all later times
Prove using resolution that Marcus is dead. [16]
7. (a) What are the limitations of the problem solving approach and what is the
motivation behind the design of planning systems
(b) What do you mean by state space search?
(c) What do you mean by regression planning? [6+6+4]
8. What are decision trees? Draw a decision tree for the problem of deciding whether
or not to move forward at a road intersection given that the light has just turned

AI November 2009 Set3

IV B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Computer Science & Engineering and Electronics &
Computer Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. Explain 8-Puzzle problem and 8-queens problems. [8+8]
2. (a) Compare depth first search and depth limited search.
(b) Compare breadth first search and depth first search. [8+8]
3. Explain each of the following with an example:
(a) Constraint graph
(b) Constraint satisfaction problem
(c) Cryptarithmetic puzzle. [4+6+6]
4. (a) Explain why games are useful to explore machine intelligence?
(b) Explain why exhaustive search of the game-tree is impossible. [8+8]
5. (a) How can a knowledge-based agent be described at three levels?
(b) Given the following, can you prove that the unicorn is mythical? How about
magical? Horned?
If the unicorn is mythical, then it is immortal, but if it is not mythical, then
it is a mortal mammal. If the unicorn is either immortal or a mammal, then
it is horned. The unicorn is magical if it is horned.
(c) Give ontological and epistemological commitments of a propositional logic.
6. Consider the following facts:
• Marcus was a man
• Marcus was a Pompeian
• Marcus was born in 40 A.D.
• All men are mortal
• All Pompeians died when volcano erupted in 79 A.D.
• No mortal lives longer than 150 years
• It is now 1991
• Alive means not dead
• If someone dies, then he is dead at all later times
Prove using resolution that Marcus is dead. [16]
7. (a) What are the limitations of the problem solving approach and what is the
motivation behind the design of planning systems
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Code No: N0503/R05 Set No. 3
(b) What do you mean by state space search?
(c) What do you mean by regression planning? [6+6+4]
8. What are decision trees? Draw a decision tree for the problem of deciding whether
or not to move forward at a road intersection given that the light has just turned

AI November 2009 Set2

IV B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Computer Science & Engineering and Electronics &
Computer Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) Explain how a problem can be defined.
(b) Explain rational agents? [8+8]
2. What is a greedy best first search? Explain with example and diagram. [16]
3. Explain the following:
(a) Minimum Remaining Value heuristic (MRV)
(b) Dependency directed back tracking
(c) Chronological back tracking. [6+5+5]
4. In a chess game assume the average branching factor is 35, and the number of
moves made by each player to win or failure is 50. Estimate size of game tree, with
diagram. What is your conclusion from above game? [16]
5. (a) Explain in detail a knowledge-based agent.
(b) Discuss on complexity of propositional inference. [8+8]
6. (a) What do you mean by semidecidability? What is semidecidable in first-order
(b) Comment of completeness of first-order logic
(c) What do you mean by conjunctive normal form and implicative normal form.
7. (a) What are the limitations of the problem solving approach and what is the
motivation behind the design of planning systems
(b) What do you mean by state space search?
(c) What do you mean by regression planning? [6+6+4]
8. What are decision trees? Draw a decision tree for the problem of deciding whether
or not to move forward at a road intersection given that the light has just turned

AI November 2009 Set1

IV B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Computer Science & Engineering and Electronics &
Computer Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. How do human brains process information? Explain with diagram and also compare
computer and human brain. [10+6]
2. How can the performance of a problem solving algorithm can be measured. Com-
pare and contrast Breadth First search with Depth-First search. [4+12]
3. (a) What is a constraint satisfaction problem?
(b) Solve the following cryptarithmetic problem: [4+12]
4. (a) What is a game tree?
(b) Explain one ply, two ply, search and depth of a game tree with diagram.[8+8]
5. (a) Explain, the knowledge level, logical level, and implementation level in a
knowledge-based agent.
(b) What is a horn sentence. Does a polynomial time inference procedure exist
for Horn sentence?
(c) What ontological and epistemological commitments are made by propositional
logic. [6+6+4]
6. Consider the following sentences:
• John likes all kinds of food
• Apples are food
• Chicken is food
• Anything anyone eats and isn’t killed by is food
• Bill eats peanuts and is still alive
• Sue eats everything Bill eats
(a) Translate these sentences into formulas in predicate logic
(b) Convert the formulas into clause form
(c) Use resolution to answer the question, ”What food does Sue. [6+4+6]
7. Let us consider a version of the milk/banana/drill shopping problem
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Code No: N0503/R05 Set No. 1
(a) Let CC denote a credit card that the agent can use to buy any object. Write
the description of Buy so that the agent has to have its credit card in order
to buy any thing.
(b) Write a Pick-Up operator that enables the agent to have an object if it is
portable and at the same location as the agent.
(c) Assume that the credit card is at home, but Have(CC) is initially false. Con-
struct a partially ordered plan that achieves the goal, showing both ordering
constraints and causal links
(d) Explain in detail what happens during the planning process when the agent
explores a partial plan in which it leaves home without the card. [4+4+4+4]
8. (a) Explain the major issues that affect the design of the learning element.
(b) Explain various forms of learning [8+8]

AI March 2010 Set4

IV B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, March 2010
( Common to Computer Science & Engineering and Electronics &
Computer Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. How do human brains process information? Explain with diagram and also compare
computer and human brain. [10+6]
2. When would best-first search be worse than simple breadth first search? Explain
with an example and diagram. [16]
3. Explain plateau, ridge, local maximum and global maximum with a suitable dia-
gram. [16]
4. (a) Explain the weighted function with respect to evaluation function.
(b) What is futility cutoff? [8+8]
5. (a) How can a knowledge-based agent be described at three levels?
(b) Given the following, can you prove that the unicorn is mythical? How about
magical? Horned?
If the unicorn is mythical, then it is immortal, but if it is not mythical, then
it is a mortal mammal. If the unicorn is either immortal or a mammal, then
it is horned. The unicorn is magical if it is horned.
(c) Give ontological and epistemological commitments of a propositional logic.
6. (a) Explain the backward chaining algorithm.
(b) Explain inference procedure using resolution with refutation.
(c) For each of the following pairs of atomic sentences, give the most general
unifier if it exists.
(a) f(x) and f(g(y))
(b) f(Marcus,g(x,y)) and f(x,g(Caeser,Marcus)) [8+4+4]
7. Explain partial-order planning with example. [16]
8. (a) Explain the major issues that affect the design of the learning element.
(b) Explain various forms of learning [8+8]

AI March 2010 Set3

IV B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, March 2010
( Common to Computer Science & Engineering and Electronics &
Computer Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. Define agent, percept sequence with vacuum-cleaner world example. [16]
2. What is a simulated annealing search? Explain with algorithm and example. [16]
3. Explain each of the following with an example:
(a) Constraint graph
(b) Constraint satisfaction problem
(c) Cryptarithmetic puzzle. [4+6+6]
4. Why Alpha-Beta cutoffs are added to minimax procedure? Explain clearly with
example and diagram. [16]
5. (a) What do you mean by monotonicity? Are propositional and first-order logic
(b) Is the sentence ”Either 2+2=4 and it is raining, or 2+2=4 and it is not raining”
making a claim about arithmetic, weather, or neither? Explain.
(c) Look at the following sentences and decide for each if it is valid, unsatisfiable,
or neither using equivalence rules.
i. ((smoke ^ heat) ! fire) , ((smoke
ii. (big V dumb) V (big ! dumb). [6+6+4]
6. (a) Comment on propositional Vs first-order inference
(b) How can resolution be used to show that a sentence is
i. valid
ii. unsatisfiable
For each of the following pairs of atomic sentences, give the most general uni-
fier if it exists
i. P(A,B,B), P(X,Y,Z)
ii. Q(Y, G(A,B)), Q(G(X,X),Y) [6+6+4]
7. Define the operator schemata for the problem of putting on shoes and socks and
a hat and coat; assuming that there are no pre-conditions for putting on the hat
and coat. Give a partial-order plan that is a solution, and show that there are 180
different linearizations of this solution. [16]
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Code No: N0503/R05 Set No. 3
8. Explain with an example decision tree learning algorithm [16]
? ? ? ? ?
Please purchase

AI March 2010 Set2

IV B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, March 2010
( Common to Computer Science & Engineering and Electronics &
Computer Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. Compare a computer and human brain and also explain how human brain process
the information. [16]
2. (a) Explain the properties of A* algorithm.
(b) Explain the properties of Breadth First Search and Depth First Search.[8+8]
3. Explain the following:
(a) Thrashing problem in back tracking
(b) Local minimum, Local maximum and global maximum, global minimum and
their occurrence. [4+12]
4. Explain how to make optimal decisions in a multiplayer programs. [16]
5. (a) Show that the following sentences are inconsistent using propositional logic
i. If Jack misses many classes through illness, then he fails high school
ii. If Jack fails high school, then he is uneducated
iii. If Jack reads a lot of books, then he is not uneducated
iv. Jack misses many classes through illness and reads a lot of books
(b) Some agents make inferences as soon as they are told a new sentence, while
other wait until they are asked before they do any inferencing. What difference
does this make at the knowledge level, the logical level, and the implementation
level. [10+6]
6. (a) Comment on propositional Vs first-order inference
(b) How can resolution be used to show that a sentence is
i. valid
ii. unsatisfiable
For each of the following pairs of atomic sentences, give the most general uni-
fier if it exists
i. P(A,B,B), P(X,Y,Z)
ii. Q(Y, G(A,B)), Q(G(X,X),Y) [6+6+4]
7. (a) Explain planning with state space search
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Code No: N0503/R05 Set No. 2
(b) Explain with example heuristic state space search. [8+8]
8. (a) Explain the major issues that affect the design of the learning element.
(b) Explain various forms of learning [8+8]

AI March 2010 Set1

IV B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, March 2010
( Common to Computer Science & Engineering and Electronics &
Computer Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. Explain the concept of rationality, rational agents. [16]
2. Explain the use of heuristic function in the 8-puzzle problem, and also explain the
effect of heuristic accuracy on performance. [8+8]
3. (a) Compare steepest ascent hill climbing and best first search.
(b) What is gradient descent search? What is the weakness of it. [8+8]
4. (a) Explain why games are useful to explore machine intelligence?
(b) Explain why exhaustive search of the game-tree is impossible. [8+8]
5. What is a Wumpus World? Explain with an example acting and reasoning in the
Wumpus world using propositional logic. [16]
6. (a) Comment on propositional Vs first-order inference
(b) How can resolution be used to show that a sentence is
i. valid
ii. unsatisfiable
For each of the following pairs of atomic sentences, give the most general uni-
fier if it exists
i. P(A,B,B), P(X,Y,Z)
ii. Q(Y, G(A,B)), Q(G(X,X),Y) [6+6+4]
7. Explain partial-order planning with example. [16]
8. (a) Explain the major issues that affect the design of the learning element.
(b) Explain various forms of learning [8+8]